That Sparkles…

Feel this, the sparkle that sparkling over me..
Trough my eyes so everybody could see

What is going on there?

Nothing I says

No..I see sparkles in your eyes, and around your face..
I also see it everytime you smiles
What is going on there?

I said nothing..
Do people notice it?

Yes of Course, what do you think.
So what is going on there?

Let say He sent me a beautiful Gift
The thing that I could even leave
two days before my B’day
So I can be happy everday..


Anonymous said...

owh, that's sweet! cute!

Ronn said...

foto apa sih itu?? Action Figure Jo In Sung kah?????????

Tatz Sutrisno said...

wakakakak.....kan g dah ketemu dia dijembatan-super-panjang-dan-super-jauh-sampe-setengah-mati-naeknya gatot subroto ituh...
mirip deh orang itu...cuba gw bawa kamera digital gw...*mulai terobses*

aLps said...


hepi bdey!!!

suit...tambah tua niiyyy...ooopppsss...
tambah bijaksana, tambah baik, tambah sukses, tambah kreatif...pokoknya tambah-tambah terus dheeeyy....


v1rzh4 said...


ktauan yahhh....

nakal dwehhh!!! :-P