(lagi sok inggris niy..hehehe, sory yah grammarnya masih ancur-ancuran)
[Caution notice: Some pictures below may contain a hunger sensation and make you drooling over, so put your non-waterproof keyboard away of your drools,hehehe]
(all pictures taken by Tatz with Digicam Olympus C-340)
This is Doclang a traditional food from Jatibarang (west java). People usually have this food for breakfast or "sarapan". Doclang is quite bit similar with Lontong sayur in Jakarta or Kupat sayur in Bandung (west Java), but there is a special toping that you'll never find it in those two previously foods. It is soybean powder. Soybean powder made Doclang had a unique taste and different from others, You can find it in the traditional market but you have to wake up early or Doclang will be sold out.
Kerak telor or Jakarta's omelet, hehehe. Made from rice, coconut powder with extra chilies, eggs (usually 2 eggs) you can choose between the chicken's egg or the duck's, and it fries with charcoal using a small hearth call anglo. Very delicious and tasty especially when its still hot.
Meet Tumpeng, a ceremonial dish of yellow rice served in a cone shape from java. Surrounded with another dish such as fried chicken, fried tempeh (fermented soybean cake), fried smashed potatoes, and urap (steamed vegetables with coconut rasp and chilies). You can meet this special dish only in the ceremonial event such as, birthday Party, "Selametan" (blessing party..?!) and etc.
Well, this used to be some dishes, before we ate them all, and I forgot to take the pictures while it still complete, hahahaha....
The last one is Mango, the dessert hehehe..everybody knows this fruit. But this one is no particular one. This is Mango from Indramayu (some place in Java that famous with their special fruit, Mango) you will find this fruit in traditional market like I do, I took this picture in Traditional market Jatibarang with only three thousand and fifty hundred rupiah / kilograms, very cheap, eh.
Surat Wasiat untuk Diri Sendiri
13 hours ago
bikin laper ajah....
[ngeces mode ON]
boleh juga nih koleksi fotonya ... :)
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