*lirik tanggal entri terakhir*...terlaluuu HIATUS saya kali ini melebih lamanya binatang pengerat empat musim berhiatus. Oh, I'm so sorry my dear blog coz' I've been abandon you for so long. Pardon my affair with Multiply and Wordpress (and Plurk and Facebook-God I'm so addicted to online matters)
Baydewey, I just clean out and update my side bar. My blogroll, my 'printilan' or my so called tiny winny stuff that looks sooo...I don't know..maeume anjoayo (doesn't fit in my heart) anymore.
I just saw the movie from Korea, with the tittle when romance meet destiny, and unlike the corny cover, it actually turn to be a good movie to watch on Saturday afternoon (or any other days). The story about a man who keeps his feeling to a girl that he really like it for 7 years, and never had a ball to spell it. Tragic!. So likee.....me... Until she get married...and soo like mee...ah, well, now doesn't even matter anymore...coz life is moving forward.
SEOULVIVOR (penulis) - non fiksi kolaborasi dengan novelist Lia Indra Andriana sekaligus buku perdana tentang jalan-jalan ke Korea ala Kpopers sejati, beli di toko buku terdekat ya ^^
DANCE WITH MY FATHER (Penulis - Kumpulan cerpen dari penulis @nulisbuku
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